Образовательная программа в частной начальной школе NGS в Алматы
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PRIMARY SCHOOL — Curriculum Grades 0-4


Teach to love learning

The program has been expanded with additional subjects and methods aimed at developing motivational skills in the cognitive field, as well as the perception of academic knowledge based on children's curiosity and inquisitiveness.

Individual education plan

  • Individual development pathway

    Together with obtaining basic fundamental knowledge at NGS, each student develops along his own individual educational route:

    - subject differentiation of mathematical, language and sports areas;

    - choice of extended learning according to aptitudes, interests and goals for the future.

  • Mathematical orientation

    For a deeper immersion in the NGS mathematical orientation, the weekly number of hours under main curriculum has been increased.

    In the afternoon, tutoring hours are practiced, aimed at solving more complex tasks or revision of the material covered. Mathematical orientation includes “Chess” and “Logic” subjects, focused on formation of logical and strategic thinking.

  • Digital literacy

    A special feature in the “Digital Literacy” orientation is the introduction of Robotics and ICT subjects from grade 0. Lessons are given in specially equipped Robo Lab, Apple Class Room and programming classrooms. 5 main fields have been introduced to study programming languages and master logic of their development, create hand-made crafts and items, and master visualization, modeling and animation skills.

  • Olympiad movement

    The Olympiad movement is an important component of developing operational thinking, determining students' interests and abilities. NGS introduced Olympiad movement “Olympia” in the following subjects: Mathematics and English.

    In class students are trained to solve problems of increased complexity at the Olympiad level.

    NGS students participate in regional, republican and international Olympiads from grade 0.

  • Participation in Projects

    PRIMARY SCHOOL students take their first steps into the world of research in the subject “Science through Project Activities”. Students get enthusiastic with interesting projects, experimental work on relevant topics in ecology, natural science, humanities and applied sciences.

    The program is built on the main project milestones: stating a hypothesis, studying theory, choosing research methods, conducting experiment and obtaining results with conclusions.

  • Learning of languages

    The NGS school provides early learning of English and Kazakh languages from grade 0. Language subjects are expanded by inclusion of additional courses in the educational program.

    Teaching methods appropriate for this age category are used, having positive effect on the quality and speed of percepting new information. Learning occurs through gaming practices, developing scenarios, staging performances, studying and analyzing children's classic works.

  • Physical health

    NGS school has created proper conditions for active physical development of its students: healthy, high-quality meals including fresh and natural products of own production; regular outdoor walks in the fresh air twice a day; PT breaks and outdoor games.

    The infrastructure makes it possible to fully realize the child’s comprehensive needs in sports. Thus, subject “Physical Education” at NGS includes “Swimming”, “Choreography”, “Physical therapy” classes.

  • Creativity and art

    Creativity and art constitute an integral part of a child's education in PRIMARY SCHOOL. “Art” and “Drama” subjects manage creative activity, where schoolchildren learn to fantasize, express emotions, develop empathy skills, free themselves from muscle tension, control flexibility of the body, and feel more confident among people.

    NGS music program includes “Dombra” subject, which trains aesthetic, sound and tactile perception.

  • Progress card

    At the end of academic year, NGS parents are issued a “Student Progress Card”, highlighting the student’s achievements, rate of development and recommendations from teachers, trainers, psychologists, pediatricians and other specialists.

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