
NGS School sees its mission as preparing students for the future, for the era of innovation and bright ideas!
Our goal is to promote love and interest in learning for children. We know how to teach learning. Generation Z children are all set for a flexible and rapidly changing world with the forefront being not knowledge itself but the ability to find, analyze it, and distinguish reliable information from false. NGS will teach creative thinking and seeking for outstanding solutions - in other words, things that artificial intelligence will not be capable of for a long time.

The motto of the New Generation School is "Smarter! Stronger! Brighter!”
Every child is unique. Day after day we want each child to become better than he was yesterday. Even smarter, stronger, brighter. For this purpose, we have developed and implemented our own curriculum including basic and specialized subjects, development of the child’s creative potential and sports education.
Day by day smarter, stronger, brighter!

- High quality
- Continuous development
- Synergy
- Openness
- Creativity
- Security