New Generation School
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Visit of the Akim of Almaty Yerbolat Dossayev

On May 3, the City Akim Yerbolat Dossayev arrived at the NGS School on an official visit. His visit was an important event not only for our school, but also for the entire educational community of the city. The Akim inspected the classrooms and got acquainted with the work of the educational process, as well as he met with students and teachers.

The tour began with the Coworking Center, where the Akim appreciated the modern conditions for combining study and creativity. Then he visited the Assembly Hall, classrooms and robotics class, where he saw advanced technologies and innovative teaching methods in action. Particular attention was paid to laboratories and specialized classrooms in chemistry, physics and mathematics, where practical classes are held.

Particular attention was paid to sports and creativity areas, including sports and fitness halls, a swimming pool and art locations. The Akim expressed satisfaction, seeing that the NGS School provides its students with a wide range of opportunities for physical development and self-realization in various fields of creativity.

A delegation of students of different ages conducted a tour of the school, talking about the features of the educational process and life at school.

During the conversation with students and teachers, Akim Yerbolat Dossayev expressed his confidence that NGS can become a model for other educational institutions in the city. He noted the high organization of the educational process, innovative teaching methods and the active involvement of students in the educational process.

The visit of Akim Yerbolat Dossayev was an important step in the development of the school and confirmation of its status as a center of modern education.


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