New Generation School
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NGS Charity Bazaar

From the very beginning of its activity, NGS has been paying special attention to the development of a culture of charity. Year after year, the school holds a large-scale charity event, NGS Charity Bazaar, emphasizing its commitment to social responsibility and active support of community initiatives.

As part of this charitable initiative, NGS supports social projects aimed at solving pressing problems in society. One of the significant projects that received support was the “Mentors” program, implemented by the DARA Public Foundation. This program focuses on mentoring and socializing children from orphanages, providing them with the necessary skills to successfully adapt to society.

This year, an impressive amount of funds was collected – 5,339,482 KZT. These funds were sent to the DARA Foundation to support the Mentor Project.

This project brought together the efforts of students, parents and the NGS professional team. The school expresses its sincere gratitude to all participants in this charitable process for their dedication and contribution to the implementation of socially significant initiatives.


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