Admission to our school is carried out on a competitive basis on the results of the entrance diagnostics
about admission
Admission stages
Send an application for admission via email, WhatsApp or leave at school reception.
Presentation and Test
Sign up for the School Presentation and Testing, which take place at the same time.
Test Results
Receive Test Results and navigation for further enrollment actions.
Contract and payment
Sign memorandum of understanding, pay entry fee and sign contract .
Collect and deliver the student's personal file.
Adaptation of the student to the educational environment through the unique “Onboarding” program.
Admission testing
Admission testing
Admission criteria
Grades 0-2
To enter grades 0-2, a child must pass an interview in the disciplines according to which his knowledge, skills and readiness to learn are determined:
- Conversation "Knowledge"
- Mathematics and logic
- Certificate
- Conversation with a psychologist
Grades 3-11
To enter grades 3-11, a child must pass electronic testing in the following disciplines:
- Mathematics and Logic
- Kazakh language*
- Russian language
- English language
Earning extra points
Grades 3-6
To earn additional points when entering grades 3-6, a child must provide a video and portfolio of his achievements to the admissions committee.
7-11 классы
To earn additional points when entering grades 7-11, a child must provide an essay and a portfolio of his achievements to the admissions committee.
Эмоциональное благополучие поступивших учащихся обеспечивается через адаптационную программу «Onboarding», включающую знакомство со школой, куратором, наставником Дома программы House System, передачу данных на электронную платформу школы «NGSmart».
Встреча новых учеников:
знакомство со школой,
куратором/классным руководителем -
распределение учеников по “домам”
программы “house system” -
регистрация на электронной
платформе ШКОЛЫ “NGSMART” -
тестирование для выбора программы
развития навыков на обучающей платформе “skillfolio” -
прохождение профориентационного теста
digital human (9 класс)